Newborn prep guide


What should baby wear?

I highly suggest bringing baby in a zip up or button up pair of pajamas. That way I don't have to take anything off over their head and disturb them. Make sure to keep the diaper a little loose prior to the session to avoid lines or red marks on the skin. Also, avoid socks which can also leave marks.

what should i wear?

I always want my families to look their best! So I tell them to wear something that they’re comfortable in (fit wise).

Something either white or very light and neutral that complements one another.

*No bold colors or patterns. They tend to take the focus off of the baby.

*Try to avoid lettering or logos if possible.

What do I need to bring?

The only thing that you need to bring is:


*Extra bottles if not nursing

*a pacifier 

How should I prep baby?

Make sure his/her belly is full by feeding baby right before you leave to come to the session. The combination of a full belly and car ride helps to have sleepy babies. If you look at most newborn photography the babies are mostly asleep, that is because during sleep they fall into the best poses and that means adorable photos! Their eyes will definitely open during the shoot, so we can capture those "awake" moments too. Also make sure to put lotion on any really dry spots and clean any eye gunkies out. The less we can mess with them once you arrive the better. I will also have you keep them in the car seat and will take them straight into the studio that way. Going straight from car seat to swaddle is a great way to keep them happy.